5 Effective Tips for Community Managers

Online platforms continue to transform the relationship between individuals and brands. At such a time, the role of community management is becoming increasingly important. Because brands need to provide a more authentic and reliable reputation against their target audience. The main job here essentially belongs to the community manager. So, let's ask:

Who is the community manager?

Community manager acts as the moderator of the brand in order to establish the brand presence on digital platforms and to ensure consumer trust.

Beyond the working mentality of the brand it is affiliated with, it needs to be a more authentic and more reliable ambassador and establish productive and sustainable relationships both inside and outside the company.

Maybe anyone can be a community manager, but being a successful community manager and managing a community effectively also has its challenges. If you are new and inexperienced in the industry or want to renew your strategies, you may need help too.

What should be considered in a successful community management?

Determine your goal

First of all, a community manager should have a serious knowledge of the brand or institution he works for. A good community manager should know the target audience well, focus on the big picture, and understand what the brand is trying to achieve. Is your goal to generate sales, awareness or reputation? Answer these questions first.

After you set a target in line with the expectations of the brand, it is your responsibility to defend and protect the brand. For this, you should be able to empathize with the consumer and learn to act in line with the goals and plan ahead what you should do in a crisis.

Create a content strategy

Let's say we set our goals and planned what we should do in line with the goal. What we need now is the content we will deliver to our customers/potential customers. What kind of content will you post? Where will you share this content? How will you address them, how will you end their worries? There is one more thing you should not forget when creating all these strategies.

While adapting to new trends and expectations, the content you prepare should be in line with company/brand values, vision and ideologies.

Encourage participation

The way to create a good customer experience is to see them as a part of your business. We mean participation. People now want to act with you and join the network you have created. If you can create a channel for their needs without forgetting that everyone has something to say, you can both listen to their expectations and establish deeper bonds with them. Let them ask you and other customers questions. Do not leave questions unanswered as much as possible. Keep listening until you're sure the answers satisfy customers. Do not leave unanswered or even share the content they have created for you.

As you encourage them to participate and listen to criticism, you can be sure that you will have a much more effective community management.

Support your effort

It is almost impossible to be in contact with the community you are connected to 24/7. But that's what automation tools are for. You can access their multi-channel listening features with an automation tool suitable for you. While tracking brand reviews, you can analyze keywords, monitor your competitors, and make more consistent predictions about the topics your community is most interested in. Thus, you will see how effective the content you have been working on for a long time is. In short, you can also review marketing automation tools to support your effort.

Apart from automation tools, you can also try a community management platform that holds your entire community together and includes automation features.

For example, it may be entirely up to you to increase your interaction and communication with Octo's powerful tools.

Be unique, create value

While responding to the needs of your community, you can communicate outside of brand communication without breaking the line you set. The only thing you need to pay attention to here is to be unique while creating value. We are talking about a value other than the value your products provide to them. You can achieve this by using various content for their tastes and personal interests. This will make your community feel how much you know them and show that your responsibilities are not just product/service specific.

For this, you can benefit from humorous elements, current news and information, community actions and content that everyone can love.